Post OP

On January 10th I went in for my post op with RE.
She showed me pictures of my surgery.

She actually gave me copies which I thought about scanning and posting, but there just seemed to be something gross about posting pictures of my internal organs, not to mention the concept of privacy and where do you draw the line. I will definitely be posting ultrasounds and things when I finally get pregnant, but I think I will draw the line at posting pictures of my useless apendix and big white bulgy ovaries.

My ovaries were enlarged (common for PCOS ladies) and then after their diathermy they had a slightly deflated look. Kind of interesting to see my uterus, which did appear pink, smooth and rather pretty. I was surprised.
She said they did find a teeny tiny amount of endometriosis on my uterus during the surgery, but was very adamant about the fact that it was extremely superficial (as she called it) and that it really didn’t mean anything. She cleaned it up and moved on.

So it seems like all went well. I had gained four pounds since the surgery and I cowered, waiting for admonishment from her (for some reason I think of her like a stern teacher that expects perfection and I am worried I might get a B or for heavens sake a C! I have always had a problem with not getting above average grades). Instead, she was extremely postive, said most people gain weight in the holiday season and that the new year is time to get back on the program.

While I was there I asked to switch back to Met.for.min from Although G is pretty good in the way it is digested, it also costs 50 bucks minimum a month. M is on the super duper generic drug list for our insurance company so it is completely covered and free. She did put me on M Extended Release, so I am hoping that will help to process better in my digestive system. I made the whole decision because I have decided that the reason G was so much better was because I took it all at night, and that M would be just as effective if I took it at night. That has turned to be a correct observation. I think I would rather save 600 dollars this year, than have slightly better digestive processing…I mean really it wasn’t THAT much better.

So when I went to pick up the met.for.min, they said my insurance card was inactive. Well I wasn’t going to pay 80 bucks for a drug that I switched too so I could have it for free. It turns out, DH’s HR or insurance company messed up and switched his gender so they deactivated our insurance (little did I know I had a life partner for a few weeks – I had to do a spot check on DH just to make sure all the right organs were in place – whew!). In the end last week the HR said that our old policy should be back to normal and active, but when I went to get the M after this was supposed to be fixed they said we DID have a new policy. Why is it that when you try to do all of the right things or NOT doing anything to make sure it goes well, some one comes up and sucker punches you? It is like we are Charlie Brown and Lucy keeps taking the football away. We didn’t make any changes to our insurance, yet I will still be making 10 phone calls to the freaking insurance company this month – something I did NOT EVER want to do. I hate insurance companies – right? Its like they want me to have high blood pressure so they can deny the claims…

Oh well – I will get over it.

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4 comments on “Post OP
  1. Fertilize Me says:

    I am glad hte surgery and post-op went wel. I too have pix of my lovely insides and was just fascinated with the ovaries. They just looked so white and pearly. I wanted to post pix but decided against it.

    I loathe insurance companies

  2. Deb says:

    Glad that things went well with your procedure.

    I wish that someone could figure out how to make insurance companies more user friendly!

  3. Mrs. B says:

    That is so funny about what the evil insurance compnay did! How not funny your DH must’ve thought it was!!

    What does Met.for.min do for you?

  4. LIW (Lady In Waiting) says:

    Insurance companies are always so difficult to work with!! Ugh. I hope that you get this resolved soon!!!
