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we can do anything

I think because I am the youngest of nine children I have always felt like the young one. From birth to now I had been in situations where I was the younger person around. Even after I graduated from school

Posted in Roller Coaster


I am listening to ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ during my commute right now. (I drive to the office three days a week, and it is 45 minutes away…so I ‘read’ my books via my iPod on the way to and from…)And

Posted in life, providence, Roller Coaster, work, Zerker

Watch out for the crazy bearded lady

Mommy Insomnia Is there such a thing as mom-insomnia? If so, I think I have it. The zerker is sleeping pretty solidly from 9:30pm-ish to 5:30-6:30am-ish, I on the otherhand am waking up pretty much every hour. I know it

Posted in life, marriage, Roller Coaster