Hello my name is…

Hello ICLWers!
This is my first ICLW. It is pretty cool to get to know more bloggers.

As for a little bit about myself and where I am on the journey….

I am married – almost 4 years. I affectionately refer to DH as Nadie.

I have PCOS. We tried to concieve for three years, one of them with medical help before getting PG. I blogged during our TTC time at http://unsimpleprocreation.blogspot.com.

We now have a 3.5 month old little girl. I call her the Zerker. She is freaking amazing.

This blog is about my life unfolding…assuming the role of a mother, loving and caring for my husband, moving into new areas of work, my relationships, spirituality, things i find interesting, basically whatever I feel like…welcome to my world!

Beebles is a nickname some of my friends gave me in college. My email address was bbell for a long time (until I got married and my name changed!) and it was way more fun to say beebles.

I have a post forming in my head about kaleidescopes and the space I am in right now…will try to post by the end of the week.

Now I gotta get to work…

Posted in icomleavewe, life, work, Zerker
5 comments on “Hello my name is…
  1. Erin says:

    It’s my first ICLW too. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl, I’m so happy for you. I have a 6 month old girl Ella and recently lost my older child Charlotte who had chromosomal issues. Ella is also into her feet, won’t leave socks on no matter how cold out.

  2. Stefanie says:

    I’m also a first time ICLW-er, and have to say that I enjoy every moment. It’s always great to meet new people.


  3. In Due Time says:

    Welcome to ICLW! :-)

    I have PCOS, too.

    You’re sweet baby is precious. Congrats!

  4. The Captain's Wife says:

    thanks for visiting my blog. I love that you are also a first time Mommy with a baby girl similar in age…

    Hope you’ll continue to visit..


  5. Heather and Jase says:

    Your girl is adorable!!!

    Been a long time gone, Constantinople

    You’ve been added to the stalking list.