38 Weeks and Christmas Eve

I am so creative with the titles, eh?

It is crazy to look at that baby floating around on the blog and see that it says 13 days until the due date.

It is also fricking fantastic. I am so content that she is hanging out in my gut long enough to ensure that her teeny lungs are prepared to deal with the world! All that worry about pre-term labor! Ha! I should have worried about more important things – like whether I would win my Fantasy football league (I am totally kidding…oh but I DID beat DH this week in the championship game of my family fantasy football league! WOO HOO!)

No sign of the girlet. I mean I have vague nausea and some slowing down of the whole digestive system, but no contractions – not even a lot of braxton hicks. I don’t think she will be here until next year. My OB said he would NOT induce until after the first of the year. No worries. She will come when she is ready – or he will force the issue when he thinks he should. I, on the other hand, have no say in this! (Sort of sucky – huh? I mean it is my body! LOL)

I haven’t sent my sugar levels to the endocrinologist since last week because – um I am not at work and I don’t have easy access to the fax machine. I wish they would give me an email address. What are they gonna do? Come here and beat me up? It is christmas for bejeasus sake and I am 38 weeks pregnant! My sugar levels are fine and it really all seems like a bunch of over-concern.

I am not really that uncomfortable. My next OB appt is friday. I have to see a different doc because of course scheduling a week in advance on a holiday week gives you a very low percentage of getting an appt with your actual doctor. It isn’t a big deal. Actually, I thought we were supposed to have visits with other doctors in the practice anyways in case they were the ones on call when you were ready to deliver – so it is probably a good thing. It will give me a chance to meet at least one more and shake hands before that doc ends up with their head peering at my hooha and making major decisions in the birth of our child.

Current worries and prayer wishes:
1. That I am near the hospital and don’t get stuck in some bad weather when I go into labor.
2. That girlet is too big to fit through my hooha and I have to have an emergency c-section. I almost wish she had measured larger so there would be no question.
3. Complications in birth – oh it is so scary! We should have more control over this!

Christmas Eve is and has always been probably the biggest deal in my family since before I was born. We ALWAYS have a big party at my childhood home (my brother and his family live there now). It is a log cabin in the woods (hence the being a way from the hospital and going in to labor fear). It is probably one of my favorite days of the year. I am excited – even if I can’t drink it up with my cousins this year – I am so happy to get together with everyone and have a great time! One of the highlights of the night is all of the kids and women dancing and singing ‘Must Be Santa!’- a song from the Sing Along with Mitch Christmas album….

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Posted in pregnancy, Zerker
3 comments on “38 Weeks and Christmas Eve
  1. Fertilized says:

    It’s hard not to worry when there isn’t a whole lot of control to be had. Have a great Christmas Eve!

  2. Teresa says:

    I will pray for your hooha;) Ha Ha – Merry Christmas!!

  3. Deb says:

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I agree, worrying is normal, unfortunately, when things are out of our control.